The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching released an enhanced version of the Networked Improvement Learning and Support (NILS) platform on April 24, 2019.
Enhancements in the April 2019 2.0 NILS Release:
The Directory feature has been updated as follows:
- Structural and affinity groups can now be named in accordance with a network’s desired nomenclature
The Driver Diagram/List feature has been updated as follows:
- Members editing a driver diagram now receive a warning message when leaving the editing window, if the driver diagram updates have not been saved
- Hub members can format the description of drivers and the goal/details of change ideas with a rich text editor during driver diagram authoring
- The names of change ideas on the list view can now be clicked to access the change idea pages
- Change ideas on the driver diagram now show a PDSA count of how many PDSAs have been run on a given change idea
- ‘Expand All’/‘Collapse All’ options on the driver list view have been updated to read ‘Expand Details’/‘Hide Details’
Activities in NILS have been updated as follows:
- Activities now show a ‘default status’ text if there are no posts submitted to the activity, both on the activity page and the homepage
Posts on NILS have been updated as follows:
- Pinned posts on the homepage now show a clickable cursor, which directs the clicker to the pinned item on its group/activity page
- Post counts have been updated to accurately reflect the number of posts on a given group/activity page
Text Formatting:
Text formatting on NILS has been updated as follows:
- Bolding text in the text editing window now keeps the existing font size of the bolded text
The comment and reply functionalities have been updated in activities and groups as follows:
- Comments and replies now feature a visual ‘processing’ animation to indicate that the comment/reply is being added to a post
The notifications feature has been updated as follows:
- Email notifications are in the midst of an overhaul to include HTML-formatted enhancements and a functional redesign
The member profile has been updated as follows:
- When a member updates his/her profile image in the Member Profile, he/she no longer sees the site’s media library when uploading a photo
How is this different from the previous version?
- Directory
- The structural and affinity groups on NILS can now be named in accordance with a network’s preferred nomenclature.
- Drivers
- Authors now receive a warning if they leave an edited version of the driver diagram without saving its content; this ensures that authors do not accidentally lose their edited content if they click away from the driver diagram editing window.
- Hub members can now format description text with a rich text editor during driver diagram authoring.
- PDSA counts now show on both the driver list and diagram views for change ideas.
- Change idea titles are now clickable from the driver list view to access the change idea pages.
- ‘Expand Details/‘Hide Details’ have replaced ‘Expand All’/‘Collapse All’ on the driver list view to more accurately reflect the feature functionality.
- Activities
- Activities show default text with a call to action for participants if an activity has no submissions/posts.
- Posts
- Pinned posts now show a ‘click’ cursor, rather than a standard cursor, to direct the clicker to the pinned item on its group/activity page.
- Post counts now accurately reflect the number of posts in a given group/activity page.
- Text Formatting
- Bolding text no longer results in the font size increasing when the edit is saved.
- Commenting/Replying
- A ‘processing’ animation now indicates that a user’s comment/reply is being added to a post, so that commenters receive visual confirmation that their comment/reply is being added.
- Notifications
- Formerly, all email notifications were sent in plain text.
- Profile
- Members no longer accidentally view the site’s media library when uploading profile images.
If you have questions or encounter any issues with this new version of NILS, please contact us through the Help Desk.