To support the new school year, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is proud to be releasing an enhanced version of the Networked Improvement Learning and Support (NILS) platform on August 10, 2018.
Enhancements in the August 2018 NILS release are as follows:
The NILS homepage has been redesigned for both a NIC’s Chartering and Improvement Testing phases. This new homepage includes the following features:
- An icon showing whether the NIC is in its Chartering or Improvement Testing phase
- An Announcements bar where hub members can author NIC-wide announcements
- An Activities section showing:
- Chartering Phase tabs:
- Open: new submissions and reflections from Open activities in the Activity Center
- Members can like, comment, and reply to posts; these actions are mirrored on the Activity’s page in the Activity Center
- Completed: all completed activities
- Open: new submissions and reflections from Open activities in the Activity Center
- Improvement Testing Phase tab:
- My PDSAs: all of a member’s in-progress PDSAs
- Chartering Phase tabs:
- A Pinned Items bar showing recently pinned posts from the Activity Center
- An Events calendar showing due dates for Upcoming and Past activities, convenings, etc.
- In the Improvement Testing phase, a thumbnail of the NIC’s driver diagram appears in the Homepage Drivers section, with options to expand the thumbnail into a List or Diagram view
Click here for more information on the Chartering homepage.
Click here for more information on the Improvement Testing homepage.
A Member Directory has been added to NILS. It includes:
- Card listings for each member showing the member’s: name, picture, organization, and a messaging option
- A Find functionality that searches members by name
Click here for more information on the Directory.
Member Profile:
The NILS member profile has been updated. It now includes:
- An option to Message a member
- A message inbox for each member
- An Activities section showing activities in which a member is participating
- A PDSAs section showing all of a member’s PDSAs
Click here for more information on the Member Profile.
Members can now message each other directly on the NILS site. Members message each other by:
- Selecting Message from another member’s profile card (showing in the Directory and when hovering over a member’s name on the Homepage)
- Selecting Message from a member’s profile page (accessed by selecting a member’s name on the Homepage, in an Activity, etc.)
Click here for more information on Messaging.
Menu Bar:
The Menu Bar has been updated to reflect the new site functionalities:
- In the Chartering phase, the menu bar will show by default:
- Home, Directory, Activity Center, Messages
- In the Improvement Testing phase, the menu bar will show by default:
- Home, Directory, Activity Center, Find PDSAs, Tour, Messages, and a Driver toggle between List and Diagram views
- In the Chartering phase, the menu bar will show by default:
How is this different from the previous version?
- Homepage:
- The Homepage previously resolved as the either the Activity Center (Chartering phase) or the Drivers list view (Improvement Testing phase)
- None of the following were present on the site:
- Icon showing a network’s phase
- Announcement functionality
- Events calendar
- Directory
- The Directory is now a responsive page with an option to message members
- Member Profile
- The Member Profile allows member-to-member messaging and shows a member’s recent PDSAs and Activity work
- Messaging
- Member-to-member messaging is now present in-site, rather than communications being sent via email
- Menu Bar
- The Menu Bar now shows a Messages option and an updated Driver toggle between List and Diagram views
Known Bugs
- When a comment is “Liked” on the Homepage, that “Like” does not appear on the Activity page where the comment originated
- “Take me there” links from primary drivers in the Driver Diagram redirect to the Homepage rather than the Drivers page
- A member’s own profile shown in the upper right corner of the screen is not shown when composing a member-to-member message
If you have any questions or encounter any issues with this new version of NILS, please contact us through the Help Desk.