
NHS Release Notes - 5/7/21

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching released an enhanced version of the Network Health Survey (NHS) portal on May 7, 2021.

  1. Survey administrators can now send surveys through the portal to members of a network who were added to that network after the survey was initially disseminated.
  2. Survey administrators can now update the end date of a survey.
    • Note:
      • Once a survey’s end date has passed, the end date can no longer be updated through the portal.
      • To update a survey’s end date after the end date has passed, contact for assistance.
  3. Survey email subject lines have been updated to reflect whether the email is an initial survey dissemination, a nudge for respondents who have started but not completed a survey, or a nudge for respondents for who have not started a survey.
  4. A given/family name is now required when upgrading a respondent to a network lead.
  5. Numerous bug fixes have been implemented.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues with this new version of the NHS portal, please contact us through the Help Desk

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