The Network Health Survey enables network administrators to assess the health of various networks by customizing health surveys, disseminating them to members of a network, and evaluating survey health reports.
Note: Network-specific administrators can manage existing networks to which they are assigned, but can’t create new networks.
- Access the Survey Portal
- Create a Network
- Create a Survey Master
- Create a Survey Order
- Survey a Network
- Monitor an In-Progress Survey
- View Survey Reports
- Export Survey Results
- Help
Enter the email address that you used to register for the survey tool and select Continue
Enter your password and select Sign in with password
If you’ve forgotten your password, select Reset it to initiate the password recent process
On the Network Health Survey homepage:
Networks > Create network
Enter a network Name, select a Survey Package, set a Response rate threshold, set a Time zone, and select Save
Select Show beside the appropriate network to add users to the network
Select Add Users
Add a single user
- Select the appropriate Network
- Add Given Name, Family Name, Email, School/Organization, Time zone, and any other emails that the user might use when responding to a survey
- Select Add user
Add multiple users
- Select the appropriate Network
- Add multiple users with an email address, first name, last name, and school/organization, one entry per line
- Select Add multiple users
To assign a network administrator or a network lead, select Networks > Show
Select Edit User for the appropriate user
Under Roles, select Network Lead or Network Admin as appropriate, add a Given Name and a Family Name, and Save User
Note: Users can be assigned to additional networks from this page by selecting additional networks from the Network dropdown; the additional networks will show under the Also a Member of heading
Select Show beside the appropriate network to add schools to the network
Select Add Schools
- Add School Name
- Select the appropriate Site
- Select Add school
On the Network Health Survey homepage:
Surveys > Survey Masters
Select Create a survey master
Select the appropriate Network and Package, add a survey master Title, select any optional Measures for your survey master, and select Create survey master
- Refresh the My Survey Masters page after 10-15 seconds to change a survey master’s Status from processing to active
- Any time that a survey master’s status shows as processing, refresh the My Survey Masters page after 10-15 seconds to change the status to active
Select Show to view the options (Network, Title, Measures) selected for the survey master
Select Edit to edit the survey master options (Network, Title, Measures)
Select Intake Form to populate term notes, the role group names in the network, schools in the network, subgroup/geographic regions in the network, an optional open-ended question, and network terminology > Approved? > Save
- A checkmark will appear beside the Intake Form listing when the intake form is complete
- The Create Order option will also become live
Select Preview to see how the survey will appear to respondents
- Role group names, schools, subgroup/geographic regions, open-ended questions, and terminology entered in the intake form will populate in the survey
- To preview a survey a second time, return to My Survey Masters and select Preview again
Select Export to view all content in the survey master on a single page, and/or export the survey as a Word document
On the Network Health Survey homepage:
Surveys > Survey Masters, select Create Order under Actions for the survey master from which you’d like to create a survey order
Set an Open Date and a Close Date for running the survey and select Create order
To assign responders to the desired survey order, select Assign Responders under Actions
Select appropriate Users from the network and Save assignments
Unselect a user and Save assignments to remove the user from the survey roster at any time
On the Network Health Survey homepage:
Surveys > Survey Orders > select Deliver for the appropriate survey order
Select Continue from the “You are about to notify [#] people from the [network name] network” to continue
On the Deliver Survey page:
- Select Network Lead
- Add a Custom Email Body, if desired
- Add a Deliver At date and time and set a Time Zone, if the survey will be sent at a future date and time
- Select Send emails
Select Silent delivery if you will send the survey to respondents directly as a link
- Copy the survey URL into a custom email
- Copy and paste all of the network’s respondents into the email’s to: field
- Send the email
On the Network Health Survey homepage:
My Surveys > View Survey under Actions for the desired survey
Select Auto Merge Users to automatically add a respondent’s email address as an alternative email for an existing user, if the respondent and existing user have a 95%+ likelihood of being the same person
Note: The Auto Merge Users button will not appear if no respondents have completed a survey
Beside Completed, select show to view all survey takers who have completed a given survey
Note: The option to select show will not appear if no respondents have completed a survey
If relevant, select + New to create and assign a respondent–who has taken the survey but isn’t a previously assigned respondent–to the survey, Merge to add a respondent’s email address as an alternative email for an existing user, Replace to replace a survey respondent with another user in the network roster, or - Hide to hide a respondent’s survey responses
Select Send Reminder to prompt respondents about the survey who have started but not completed it, and to view respondents who have started but not completed it
- Select the Network Lead, from whom all reminder emails to this network will come
- View the Recipients to whom the email will be sent, and uncheck any respondents to whom the email should not be sent
- Add a Custom Body for the reminder email, if desired
- Add a Deliver At date and time and set a Time Zone, if the reminder will be sent at a future date and time
- Select Send reminder
Select Send Reminder to prompt respondents about the survey who have not started it, and to view respondents who have not started it
- Select the Network Lead, from whom all reminder emails to this network will come
- View the Recipients to whom the email will be sent, and uncheck any respondents to whom the email should not be sent
- Add a Custom Body for the reminder email, if desired
- Add a Deliver At date and time and set a Time Zone, if the reminder will be sent at a future date and time
- Select Send reminder
Select View all reminders to view all reminders that have been sent for the survey
- Under Survey responses, select Send Reminder to send additional survey reminders to pending respondents
- View or filter all prior survey reminders by Scheduled For date, Reminder Type, Recipients, and Status
- Under Actions, View, Edit, Send Now, or Cancel a survey reminder or pending initial survey email, as applicable
To update the end date of a survey, select Update end date
Modify the Close Date as appropriate and select Update survey order
Note: To update the close date of a survey after the close date has passed, contact the Help Center for assistance
Select My Surveys > View Respondents under Actions for the desired survey to manage respondents’ system identities
If a survey has received responses, manage respondents’ system identities by attaining or generating their survey IDs (Final ID options: Attain Final ID, + Generate Final ID)
On the Network Health Survey homepage:
Reports > select the desired network
Set a report’s Version and/or Ready status for the desired year
- To set the report’s Version, select the up arrow icon or the down arrow icon beside the network health report to move the report from the 1.0 display to the 2.0 display, or from the 2.0 display to the 1.0 display
Note: Version 2.0 shows Additional Evidence data and Supplemental Measures for the report
- To set the report’s Ready status, select the readiness icon beside the network health report to toggle the report from a green checkmark (ready) to a red X (not ready), or back again
Select the desired Network Health Report to view the report
Select Report Overview to view an overview of the network’s survey report
Select a measure to view Trends in Network Development, Variation among Schools, Network Role, Race/Ethnicity, and Custom Subgroup data
Select a sub-measure to view data for a Measure and to view survey Item(s) affiliated with the sub-measure
To upload supplemental PDFs to a network’s survey report, select Upload
In the Google Cloud platform, select Upload Files to upload the desired files
The uploaded files will show under a new menu item called Supplementary Material(s) on the survey report page
Select Share to share the survey report
- Under Share Report with the following users, add the email addresses of the desired report viewers
- Add a Custom Body for the viewer email, if desired
- Select Share
Note: Administrators can share a report with any desired viewer; if one of the invited viewers is a network lead for the network whose report is being shared, that viewer will likewise be able to share the report with others, but if an invited viewer is not a network lead for the network whose report is being shared, the viewer will not be able to share the report further
To revoke permissions for a report viewer:
- On the Network Health Survey homepage, select Reports > select the desired network
- Select the viewer icon beside the network health report
- Select the desired viewers from whom to revoke viewing permissions and select Revoke report viewer role
On the Network Health Survey homepage:
My Surveys > Export under Time Periods for the desired survey to download the survey responses as a CSV file
To request help with the Network Health Survey portal, select Help from the main menu
In the request form, provide Your email address, Subject, Product, Priority, a Description with the details of your request, and relevant Attachments
Submit your request, and a member of Carnegie’s support staff will respond to your request as soon as possible