
Notifications - Click-Through, Mark as Read, Clear All

Certain actions trigger Notifications within NILS. When an Announcement is authored, all site members receive a notification. Members also receive notifications when other members Comment on or Like their Posts or Micro-posts, when other members reply to a comment they have made or like their comment, when they have been added to an Activity or Group, or when they receive a private Message.

Notifications are located beside the member’s name in the upper right corner of the NILS screen, and beside the Messages menu item. A numbered Red Oval counts the notifications.


Select the Messages menu item to be taken to your message Inbox, where you can read and respond to private messages.


Select a dropdown notification to be taken to the page where an action occurred to trigger the notification.


Select the X beside a notification to Clear it. To mark a notification as Read without opening it, select the White Dot beside the notification. To mark a read notification as Not Read, select the White Dot beside the grayed out notification to turn the notification back to white.

To mark all notifications as read, select Mark as all ‘read’ at the bottom of the notifications list. To clear all notifications, select Clear all at the top of the notifications list.


Change your notification settings by selecting Settings. You can turn Email Notification and Visual Notification on and off to receive or not receive certain types of notifications.


Note: Depending on your NIC’s NILS instance, phase, and your network role, some items may appear differently in the menu bar.

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