A PDSA cycle is the basic method of inquiry in improvement research. It’s a pragmatic scientific method for iterative testing of changes in complex systems. Each cycle (Plan-Do-Study-Act) is a mini-experiment in which observed outcomes are compared to predictions. Discrepancies between predictions and observed outcomes become a source of learning.
To Plan a guided PDSA, select the change idea from the Driver List or Driver Diagram on which you would like to run a PDSA. On the change idea page, select Guided PDSA.
The Plan screen will prompt you to answer specific Learning Questions about the PDSA. Below each Learning Question, enter your predicted answer in response to the question posed. Add any data notes, and select the type of data you will collect (qualitative, quantitative, or both).
If applicable, select + Add a Question for the PDSA cycle.
Select Next to proceed to the next Plan section.
Select a date by which the PDSA cycle will be completed. You may revise this date at any time. Add relevant details about the test, including Logistics, Supplies and Materials, and any Additional Considerations. You may also upload additional relevant artifacts. Select Next to proceed to the next Plan section.
If you would like to share your PDSA plan with another member of your network, enter his/her email under Share your Plan and select Share via email. You can also gather feedback on your plan from experts associated with your change idea by selecting Share plan.
If you are ready to proceed, select the Next: Do button to continue with the PDSA cycle.
Note: Depending on your NIC’s NILS instance, phase and your network role, some items may appear differently in the menu bar.